
St. Ann’s Teacher Training Institute, Mangaluru (Estd : 1890)

St. Ann’s TTI, started in 1890, celebrated its Post Centenary Silver Jubilee on October 14, 2015. It was Pioneer Institution for the training of Women Teachers along the West Coast. During the course of 125 years it has more than fulfilled its objective of providing quality and integrated education to young girls to become beacons of light not only in India but to different parts of the world.
Under Sister Aloysia’s skilful management, St. Ann’s School progressed rapidly. Since the school was producing good teachers, the Director of Public Instruction, acting on the suggestion of Mr. Bradshaw, the Acting Inspector requested the Management in 1880-1882, to open a Training School at St. Ann’s School, in order that the training received by its teachers could be extended to other schools. St. Ann’s Teacher Training Institute – its Beginnings.

In 1888, the Director of Public Instruction reiterated his request for a Training School at St. Ann’s, with the promise of a liberal grant. Finding that the request could no longer be put off, Sister Aloysia and two other sisters were sent to the Training School at Madras. They returned to Mangalore with flying colours, Sr. Aloysia having secured the First Place in Madras Presidency.

In 1890, the Training Class was formally opened by Miss Carr, the First Inspectress of the Girl’s Schools. Sister Aloysia played the double role as Headmistress of the practicing school and the Training Mistress of the Training School. At the end of the first Year, Miss Carr was able to give a laudable report, which was a tangible proof of the quality of work turned out by the Training School.

Up to 1907, the Secondary and Elementary Teacher Training students were taught in the same class. Later the Elementary Teacher Training students had separate classes for the methods of teaching the subjects of the lower classes. In 1908, Miss Lynch, the Inspectors, requested that, in accordance with the regulation for Training Schools, the Practicing School should function separately, with its own Headmistress. 

Changes imply growth

The Training School experienced many ups and downs, as a result of which the Elementary Training Classes had to be closed down, specially due to departmental regulations which laid down that Kannada should become the medium of instructions. Not all the staff and students were able to cope with this hurdle, as several of them were Anglo-Indians. This was specially so in the Elementary Training Department. The Secondary Training Department, however, continued to flourish during the succeeding years.

St. Ann’s Training School for Teachers was converted into a Basic Training School for Teachers in 1960 as a result of change in policy of the Education Department. It was a one year’s course. In 1966, the duration of the Basic Training Course was extended to two years with a new syllabus. From 1960 to 1975 the Training School had been compulsorily residential but after that, residential living became optional. In1976, the Basic Training School had to change its name to Teacher’s Training Institution (T.T.I.)

There was need for more space after the introduction of two year course for the TTI. In 1978 the foundation was laid for a new block under the stewardship of Sister Patrick A.C. and inaugurated in 1980.

1990 was a land mark in the history of St. Ann’s TTI as it completed a hundred years of service to the nation and to the world at large by training thousand of women to spread the light of education. The centenary celebrations were held under the leadership of Sr. Marie Louelle A.C. with the total involvement of the management and all the institutions in the campus.

The teacher trained at St. Ann’s Training School, ever since it was started, have gone far and wide in India and even aboard. The Institution caters to the Educational needs of all denominations and had been the first of its kind in South India.

The construction of the second floor to the new block was taken up in 2001 and completed as a result of the labour of love of Sr. Nirmala Francis A.C. the hostel which occupied the first floor of the old block was closed. It was shifted to a renovated old block close to St. Ann’s Convent and named, “Marie des Ange Manor”.

The Post-Centenary era saw further growth and development in the institution. In 2007 the NCTE permitted ST Ann’s T.T.I to start the English Medium section. On the basis of Government policy, the teacher training institutes are now known as D.Ed Colleges awarding a Diploma in Teacher Education. The trainees have been involved in curricular and extra-curricular activities both in their institution as well as inter-college, and at zonal, state and national level.

In August, 2012, a group of six members from Makerere University Business School, Uganda, visited St. Ann’s D.Ed. College. They were given a traditional welcome and taken experience for the team and memorable even for the institution.


1 Sister Nirmalini A.C. President, The Apostolic Carmel Generalate, Jayanagar,  Bengaluru- 560041.
2 Sister Shamita A.C. Vice President, Provincial House, St.Ann’s Convent, Mangaluru-575001.
3 Sister Pauline Hilda D’Souza A.C. Secretary, Provincial House, St.Ann’s Convent, Mangaluru-575001.
4 Sister Linet D’Souza A.C. Treasurer, Provincial House, St.Ann’s Convent, Mangaluru-575001.
5 Sister Maria Pavitha A.C. Member, The Apostolic Carmel Generalate, Jayanagar,  Bengaluru- 560041.
6 Sister Benedicta D ‘Souza A.C. Member, Provincial House, St.Ann’s Convent,Mangaluru-575001
7 Sister Doreen D’Silva A.C. Member, Provincial House, St.Ann’s Convent,Mangaluru-575001
8 Sister Juliana A.C. Member, Provincial House, St.Ann’s Convent,Mangaluru-575001
9 Sister Zina Lily Pereira A.C. Member, Principal in charge, St.Ann’s College of Education, (Autonomous) Mangaluru-575001
10 Sister Prescilla D’Souza A.C. Member, Principal in charge St.Agnes College, Autonomous, Mangaluru-575002
11 Sister Dotty Cutinha A.C. Member, Headmistress,
St.Agnes  Kan.Hr.Pry. School, Mangaluru-575002
12 Sister Rita Matilda Pinto A.C. Member, Headmistress, St.Agnes High School, Mangaluru-575002
13 Sister Juliet Dulcine Barboza A.C. Member, Principal, Carmel CBSE, Bolar

The Institute has all the facilities to accommodate the new arrivals – the candidates for Teacher Training of D.Ed. Kannada and English Sections – classrooms, hall, activity rooms, furniture, library, laboratories, play ground, instructional material, media laboratory etc. and the well qualified Faculty.